Daycare for school kids during holidays
The gfi gGmbH Nürnberg•Erlangen•Fürth offers day care during holidays for elementary school kids not visiting an after-school care facility.
It is possible to book this offer during the following holiday weeks:
Carnival holidays: 27 Feb. until 03 Mar. 2017
Easter holidays: 10 Apr. until 21 Apr. 2017
Whitsunday holidays: 06 Jun. until 16 Jun. 2017
Summer holidays: (period still to be specified)
The day care is provided on weekdays between 7.30 am and 4.00 pm in the facilities of the "Mittagsbetreuung" at the Carl-Platz-Schule.
The fee is 45.00 EUR per week, incl. the fee for food and drinks. Breakfast has to be provided by the parents.
Please contact the gfi gGmbH Nürnberg•Erlangen•Fürth, Mrs. Schefczik, Tel. +49 (0) 9131 / 8954-47, or via e-mail: for any questions or for registration.