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Department for Wastewater Treatment (SEH)

Water is being used in many different ways in private households, businesses and public facilities. For most people the removal of wastewater is completed as soon as it has disappeared into the plug hole. However, this is only the beginning of their work for the about 15 employees of the Department for Wastewater Treatment in Herzogenaurach. It actually is a work which most citizens of Herzogenaurach do hardly recognize since most wastewater systems are hidden underground.

Legal basis

Sewage disposal is a compulsory task of the communities. This has been determined by the Federal Water Act (WHG) and the Bavarian Water Act (BayWG). In our town, sewage disposal is the task of the Department for Wastewater Treatment in Herzogenaurach (SEH). Details are defined by the Regulations on the Public Sewerage System of the Town of Herzogenaurach (EWS) in connection with the Regulations on Contributions and Fees regarding the EWS.

SEH duties

Sewage system and sewage plant

Every year, the town of Herzogenaurach with its affiliated communities produce about 2.3 million cubic meters of sewage water to be cleaned. To be able to handle such quantities of sewage water and conduct it to the sewage plant, the SEH maintains almost 200 km of tunnels with more than 5,500 manholes and almost 60 special buildings like rainwater retention basins, retention tunnels or pump stations. The system is being modernized and enhanced constantly. 

Estate drainage systems

Estate drainage systems are constructions in buildings or on estates where sewage and rainwater is stored, if necessary also treated, and then conducted away via the so called house connection. Besides the public tunnel system they are an important part of the sewage system. Private estate drainage systems are subject to the regulations of ss. 9 to 13 EWS.

Approval of sewerage systems for new buildings and reconstructions

In the framework of a building permit procedure or a permit release procedure as well as for changes to existing drainage systems, it is necessary to apply for a sewage permit. The application has to be filed in triplet at the Department for Civil Engineering of the Town of Herzogenaurach.

Notes on Sewerage Permit  
Hinweise zur Abnahme und Dichtheitsprüfung  

Supervision of estate drainage systems

While communities are responsible for the operation and maintenance of public sewage tunnels, private pipelines are subject to the responsibility of the relevant estate owner. Particularly with regard to environmental protection it is obligatory to properly conduct away all sewage since sewage leaking into the ground might cause pollution of the ground and ground water.
In Bavaria, the "recurrent inspection of private drainage systems” is regulated by the local Sewerage Regulations of the relevant community or city.

Grease separators and interceptors

In accordance with s. 5 subs. 2 No. 11 in connection with s. 16 of the municipal Sewerage Regulations it is obligatory to install a separating system on industrial facilities where grease or light liquids occur. Restaurants, hotels, butcheries, food-serving counters with return of tableware, etc. may conduct their sewage into the public sewage system only via a preceding Grease separator in accordance with DIN EN 1825 and DIN 4040-100. Car washes, car workshops, fuel stations and similar industrial facilities where fuel and other light liquids occur have to install Interceptors as part of their estate drainage system in accordance with DIN EN 858 and DIN 1999.

Building Authority
Mrs Stadter
Telephone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-600

Sewage disposal charges

The public sewage system is a cost-neutral facility completely refinanced by fees and contributions.

Sewage fee

Since January 1, 2022, the sewage fee is 2.10 EUR per m³ of fresh water receipt. Fresh water receipt is water obtained from the public drinking water supply and from private water systems (e.g. rainwater cisterns or wells).

Rainwater fee

For the period from April 1, 2010, until December 31, 2021, the rainwater fee was 0.35 EUR per m³ of paved, sewage-effective and connected area. Since January 1, 2022, this fee is 0.40 EUR (also see s. 10a Regulations on Contributions and Fees for the Sewerage Regulations of the Town of Herzogenaurach in its version of October 28, 2021, published on November 18, 2021).
For the calculation of the fees, permanently installed rainwater retention facilities are taken into account (reduction of 10 m² per m³ holding capacity available all year).

Data entry form 
Calculation example 

Sewerage connection contribution

The sewerage connection contribution is 8.15 EUR per m² of floor area and 2.22 EUR per m² of plot area.

Department for Building Regulations and Traffic Management





Town of Herzogenaurach
Department for Wastewater Treatment

Marktplatz 11
91074 Herzogenaurach

Watewater tax
Tax Office
Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-151

Drain Permission
Mr Geinzer
Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-207

Mr Winterstein
Phone  +49 (0) 9132 / 901-615

Connection Contribution
Frau Moritz
Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-228

Opening hours
Monday 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
Tuesday 7.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
1.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Wednesday 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
Thursday 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Friday 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.