The brand mission is the guideline for any future brand development. It has been developed for Herzogenaurach by Herzogenaurach citizens. Briefly, it asks: Which values and characteristics do we associate with Herzogenaurach? Which of these do we want to convey and where and how can we do so?
The brand mission defines the outward identity of Herzogenaurach and shows how the diversity of our town can be transformed into a unique and uniform appearance that wins and enthuses all citizens, guests, young people, employees and enterprises for the site of Herzogenaurach on a long-term basis.
The brand mission is available for use not only for the town administration, but for everybody: from the trade, gastronomy and hotel, industrial or service branch, clubs and associations, churches, cultural institutions, etc.
In order to present Herzogenaurach to the outside world in a uniform, recognisable, unique and assertive manner in the future, the brand style was developed on the basis of the brand mission statement. This comprises various elements, e.g. the logo, characteristic colours, font, visual language and shapes. "Content" (brand mission statement) and "packaging" (brand style) are thus optimally harmonised.
The idea behind the "herzo" location brand
The lettering - "herzo" - forms the recognisable feature of the Herzogenaurach location brand. This lettering will not only characterise the external image of the town (administration), but also the town facilities (leisure centre, music school, town library, town museum, vhs, see brand architecture) and potential brand partners.
A brand architecture was developed which, in addition to the city (administration) level, also integrates the municipal institutions (city museum, music school, city library, leisure centre, vhs) and potential brand partners.
The style-defining element is the herzo lettering, which appears in all communication levels and thus becomes a recognisable feature. Depending on the brand level - in addition to the style-defining herzo lettering - colours and/or additions are adapted so that a coherent brand image is created as a whole, without taking away the necessary independence of each participating actor.
Herzogenaurach needs the help of active brand partners to make the marketing strategy newly created by and for the citizens of Herzogenaurach become a real experience. With the city brand "herzo", Herzogenaurach is to be given a visual sign to create a unique, strong, recognizable and competitive appearance for the site. In cooperation with brand partners in and from Herzogenaurach, we want to approach this goal.
Possible brand partners might be non-profit organizations from Herzogenaurach (e.g. associations, clubs, initiatives, churches, cultural institutions, events / organizers) as well as any "actor" from the economic sector (e.g. companies, business persons, small, medium-sized or large enterprises from the trade, service, crafts, industrial, gastronomy or tourism branch). When entering into the contract, the brand partners explicitly commit themselves to our brand mission.
Brand partners review their offered goods and services, their projects, brand contact points etc. with regard to the seven brand guidelines. It is also important for brand partners to incorporate the brand values of Herzogenaurach into their communication concerning their products, services, projects, etc.
On the basis of our brand mission, all brand partners are a part of the marketing for the site of Herzogenaurach.
What are the benefits and advantages for brand partners?
- On the basis of a commonly developed brand strategy, our brand partners are part of the central marketing for the site of Herzogenaurach.
- Brand partners help Herzogenaurach become alive with regard to our positioning, for example by communicating accordingly.
- Brand partners are part of a community actively participating in the brand development of Herzogenaurach.
- The town administration / Amt für Stadtmarketing und Kultur (department for town marketing and culture) provide information about, and support with the implementation of the brand guidelines and principles for our brand partners in the framework of their activities / their industry.
- The town administration / Amt für Stadtmarketing und Kultur (department for town marketing and culture) encourage a regular communication amongst the brand partners, e.g. via the brand forum, in order to create new ideas and perspectives for the brand development of Herzogenaurach.
- Brand partners can expect to achieve a higher customer satisfaction when their customers or guests can experience what is promised by the Herzogenaurach brand and that their expectations are being fulfilled.
- The brand partners will benefit from the brand leadership by the Town of Herzogenaurach since a well-maintained brand increases the recognizability and image of Herzogenaurach which, in the end, is to the benefit of all participators.
Interested in becoming a brand partner?
Please submit a filled-in application form to the town administration / Amt für Stadtmarketing und Kultur. With this form you inform us e.g. about your intended use of the city brand "herzo".
The application will then be reviewed and, provided everything is fine, you will receive an email with the brand license agreement as well as digital templates of the brand logo. Eventually, the different intended applications of the herzo logo have to be confirmed by the town administration / Amt für Stadtmarketing und Kultur.
A brand partnership is free of charge for the brand partner.