The Town of Herzogenaurach participates in the project "ERH Barrier-free" initiated by the administrative district. A team of volunteer workers, supported by the AKTIV-SENIOREN BAYERN e.V. (Active Senior Citizens in Bavaria) takes care of the measuring and assessment of local objects.
The portal under provides detailed information about how to access and make use of buildings, stores, doctors' offices, restaurants, public places and ways in Herzogenaurach, as well as about specific access details, like stairs, elevators, or the width of the doors.
Any Herzogenaurach places already included in the portal have been divided into categories, like Authorities, or Gastronomy. With the help of volunteer workers, the senior citizens' office of Herzogenaurach has constantly extended the list of places.
Point of Contact
Senior Citizens's advisory board
Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 737169
Town of Herzogenaurach
Department for Town Marketing and Culture
Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-127
District Office Erlangen-Höchstadt
Phone +49 (0) 9131 / 803-279
Barrier-free living in Herzogenaurach is an evolving process. The commissioner for persons with disabilities, Wolfgang Jörg, is involved in projects concerning the barrier-free living in Herzogenaurach as in buildings, public transport, public place and more.
For more information on the projects please contact Alfons Weiler.
Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
Alfons Weiler
Phone +49 (0) 177 / 8785537
In the framework of the ERH Barrier-free project, staff members of the senior citizens' office have measured all authority offices of the Herzogenaurach town administration.
- Entrances of the Town Hall, the Tourist Information and the public library have been equipped with ramps and
- automatic electric door opening systems,
- both parts of the building provide elevators, and a narrow wheelchair for use of the elevators is available in the historic castle building as well as in the Town Hall,
- a toilet for disabled persons is available outside, in the south below the terrace of the Ratskeller restaurant,
- an Audio Induction Loop System is available in the conference hall.
All consultation desks of the Citizens Advice Bureau provide an Audio Induction Loop System with directional microphone.
Point of contact
Town of Herzogenaurach
Subject area Building management
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 901-201
Organizations for disabled persons and social matters
If you want to join other speical organizations please send a Mail to: