Current traffic information
Here you will find information on detours, road closures and other traffic obstructions within the town area of Herzogenaurach and the surrounding region.
Construction sites on roads, footpaths or cycle paths slow down the traffic flow and might disturb the daily routine of residents. Therefore the Town of Herzogenaurach provides information on this website about complete closures and partial closures of main traffic routes. This enables all road users to prepare themselves with regard to obstructions with significant impact on public traffic areas.
Current construction sites within the town area
Under “Current messages”, there is information available regarding not only construction sites of the Town of Herzogenaurach but also construction sites of other parties like private persons, telecommunication companies, local energy providers, etc. The list also includes construction sites on district and state roads for which the Town of Herzogenaurach is not the responsible organizer. To keep the traffic information as up-to-date as possible, projects are only published when the start of the relevant construction works has been determined.
Road construction sites: Answers to frequently asked questions
Why are there so many construction sites within the town area? Is the Town of Herzogenaurach responsible for all construction sites within the town area? What does the coordination process for construction sites in Herzogenaurach look like? - If you would like to learn more about the planning and implementation of construction works and road detours on streets in Herzogenaurach, please click here: „FAQs Road construction sites". You will find answers to many questions concerning this topic.
Further sources of information
You might also visit the corresponding website of the Bavarian State Ministry for Housing, Building and Traffic under Autobahn Traffic information.
On their website, the Erlangen administrative district office provides information about traffic obstructions on district and state roads within the administrative district under Current massages, or via the ERH App.