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First Mayor of the Town of Herzogenaurach
Dr. German Hacker


Stadt Herzogenaurach
Marktplatz 11
91074 Herzogenaurach
Telephone +49 (0)9132 / 901-0
Fax +49 (0)9132 / 901-119

Online editorial team

Department for Town Marketing and Culture
Telephone +49 (0)9132 / 901-126

Design and technical realization

Agentur triebwerk GmbH
Kieslingstraße 76
90491 Nürnberg

The Town of Herzogenaurach is a regional administrative body under public law. It is represented by
First Mayor Dr. German Hacker.

Note on external links

In accordance with s. 5 subs. 1 German Teleservices Act and s. 5 of the Interstate Agreement on
Media Services, the Town of Herzogenaurach as content provider is exclusively responsible for "own"
contents offered for use. Such own contents are to be distinguished from cross references ("links") to contents made available by other providers. With links to external sites, the Town of Herzogenaurach enables access to "third-party" contents.
Any cross reference by the Town of Herzogenaurach solely offers access for use of such contents (s. 9
Teleservices Act). The Town of Herzogenaurach does not assume any liability with regard to these
"third-party" contents since it does not prompt the transfer of information, does not chose the
recipient of the information and does neither chose nor alter the transferred information. Thanks to
the relevant applied activation and link method, there is no automated short-term buffer storage of
such "third-party information" by the Town of Herzogenaurach, i.e. there neither is any responsibility
of the Town of Herzogenaurach for such third-party contents in this regard. Yet, when establishing a
link to such online offers for the first time, the Town of Herzogenaurach reviews the relevant third-
party contents with regard to any civil or criminal liabilities arising from such contents. However, in
case the Town of Herzogenaurach notices, or a third party indicates, the fact that a specific offer
linked to by the Town of Herzogenaurach causes any civil or criminal liabilities, the Town of
Herzogenaurach will immediately revoke the relevant reference to this offer as far as technically
possible and reasonable. For any illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents, and particularly for any
damage caused by the use or disuse of third-party information, the provider of the website that has
been linked to assumes sole liability.

Exclusion of liability

The editors of the Town of Herzogenaurach have created and reviewed any information provided
within their scope to the best of their knowledge and belief. However, the Town of Herzogenaurach
does not assume any liability with regard to the provided information being up to date, correct,
complete, or of a certain quality, or available at any time.
Without prejudice to the regulations of s. 675 subs. 2 German Civil Code (Nongratuitous
management of the affairs of another), the following limitation of liability applies to any information
offers provided: The Town of Herzogenaurach and its employees are not liable for any damage caused by the use or disuse of information provided in the framework of the Internet offer of the Town of
Herzogenaurach. The exclusion of liability does not apply as far as the regulations of s. 839 German
Civil Code (Liability in case of breach of official duty) are applicable. No liability is assumed for any damage caused by computer viruses and occurring when activating or downloading data or when installing or using software. Any websites labeled with a name represent the opinion and knowledge of the relevant persons responsible. The Town of Herzogenaurach explicitly reserves the right to alter, supplement, delete or temporarily or permanently cease the publication of individual websites or the entire offer without particular notification.


© Town of Herzogenaurach - all rights reserved. If not explicitly stated otherwise, all sites on this
information server of the Town of Herzogenaurach are subject to copyright. This particularly applies
to texts, images, graphics, audio, video or animated files, also including the arrangement thereof on
the websites. Any copying or usage of such websites (or parts thereof) for other electronic or printed
publications (also on the Internet) is only admissible with prior consent of the Town of
Any reprint as well as the analysis of press releases and speeches is admissible when containing an
indication of source (source: Permissions for publication of the websites
can be issued by the editorial team (imprint). Additionally, any images, graphics, text or other files
may, in whole or in part, be subject to third-party copyrights.
Any brand names or trade marks named in the framework of the Internet offer that may be subject
to third-party copyright protection are, without restrictions, subject to the relevant valid trademark
law as well as the titles of the relevant registered owner. The mere naming in the framework of our
Internet offer does not imply that the relevant trade mark is not protected by third-party copyrights.

Further information

Electronic communication with the Town of Herzogenaurach