"Yellow bags"
Reorder "yellow bags"
At the end of each roll of bags, there is a red sheet saying: Please deliver "yellow bags" to the following address.
This reorder note has to be filled in carefully and attached to the full yellow bags put out for collection. The relevant household is then automatically provided with a new roll of bags by the waste disposal firm. Additionally, a small amount of rolls of "yellow bags" is still available in the foyer of the Town Hall as well as at the Herzogenaurach recycling depot.
Please always attend the sorting instructions for the "yellow bags":
The "yellow bag" may exclusively contain vending packagings made of plastic, as well as composite material labeled with the Green Point; packagings have to be empty.
The "yellow bag" may not contain any packagings made of glass or metal; such packagings have to be disposed of in the corresponding recycling waste containers at the recycling waste collection points or at the recycling depot.
Any objects made of plastic, like bowls, tubs or toys, may not be put into "yellow bags" since such objects are not defined as packaging waste.
DSD-Hotline 0800-1004337