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Contact & Opening Hours

Public Library Herzogenaurach
Wiesengrund 1
91074 Herzogenaurach

Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-131

Monday14.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Tuesday14.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Thursday10.00 - 19.00 Uhr
Friday14.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Saturday10.00 - 13.00 Uhr

Services for childcare centers, schools and institutions

Library tours, reading nights and media boxes - the public
library offers diverse activities and services for childcare
centers, schools and other institutions.

Library tours

Library tours can be arranged outside the regular opening hours, between 8.00 am and 1.00 pm (8.00 am - 10.00 am on Thursday), or Wednesday afternoon.

The children are introduced to the library in an age-appropriate way, or learn how to use the offered media for presentations in school. Besides the group tour, it is also possible to have books read aloud, or to include a book rallye or topic-related research in the program.

Books that can be used with Antolin are marked with colorful raven-shaped stickers and are therefore easy to find in the shelves. Also, the books can quickly be searched for in the online catalog.

Older pupils may also receive information about research methods and interlibrary loan. Of course, the pupils may also take a look around and borrow media on their own initiative. The only prerequisite for borrowing media is the possession of an own reader pass, or the registration as new reader with the signature of a parent / legal guardian.

School classes or kindergarten groups may also register for regular visits for borrowing media outside the opening hours.

Media boxes

The library offers free media boxes for school classes and kindergarten groups, including a diverse mixture of books, also Antolin books and non-fictional books on particular topics.

On demand, these boxes may also contain films, CDs or games.

Reading nights in the library

A reading night with books being read aloud, with games, handicraft and an overnight stay between the bookshelves may be a special experience for school classes.

Please contact the library staff for further information.

Loan of picture-book presentations and Kamishibais

Picture-book presentations

A picture-book presentation is a combination of picture books and slides or CD-ROMS / DVDs. They are meant for telling a story to a group of young children. During the reading of the story, the children may look at the pictures presented via slides or DVD on a screen. The public library offers more than 40 picture-book presentations and is able to procure further titles via the central library office.


Kamishibai (Japanese: "paper theater") also combines story telling and looking at pictures for groups. A Kamishibai theater is a window-shaped wooden frame for presenting picture cards. The public library offers the wooden frame as well as the corresponding picture cards for loan.