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Infants up to three years can go to a crèche. The main focus in crèches is on social behaviour and social interaction. Créches can enrich the childrens' life. The pre-school year starts in September every year. If you want to register for a place during the year, this is only possible on agreement with the crèche administration and if places are still available. If you want to register your child for a crèche, you have to state your desired daily booking time (i.e. how long do you want your child to stay every day). The minimum time is 4-5 hours daily. Please contact your favourite crèche directly or, if you have chosen a catholic facility, contact the Kindergartenverwaltung (pre-school and crèche administration) on Kirchenplatz 4, phone 09132 / 8362113.

Katholische Pfarreiengemeinschaft
Kirchenplatz 4a
Phone + 49 (0) 9132 / 8362113

Catholic facilities

Kinderhaus Don Bosco
Zum Köpfwasen 4
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 7496310

Kinderhaus St. Franziskus
Fürther Straße 1
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 7380710

Kindertagesstätte St. Josef
Schulstraße 19a
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 745090

Kindertagesstätte St. Magdalena
Edergasse 7
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 733573

Kindertagesstätte St. Martin
Orffstraße 7
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 796878

Kindertagestätte St. Otto
Theodor-Heuss-Straße 12
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 8500

Protestant facilities

Kindertagesstätte Herzo Base II
Beethovenstraße 17
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 7380-611

Martin-Luther-Platz 2
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 7380-607

Integratives Montessori-Kinderhaus
Von-Hauck-Straße 1
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 40756

Villa Herzolino - zweisprachige Kindertagesstätte
Zum Flughafen 12
91074 Herzogenaurach
Phone +49 (0)9132 / 836654-0