Childcare in Herzogenaurach
Children and family are the focus of every town that looks ahead. We will guide you from the very beginning and offer your children education and care facilities, e.g. in crèches, pre-schools, after-school care facilities and in schools, of course. It mainly depends on the age of your child which facilities he/she can attend.
The town of Herzogenaurach is not obligatorily the supporting organisation of the various facilities. The catholic and the protestant church respectively are, e.g. , the supporting organisations of the pre-schools. We certainly will answer your questions concerning "Childcare and Family". Please give us a call under 09132 / 901113.
On the following "Childcare and Family" pages we will give you a survey of the possibilities you have concerning childcare.
Both the Protestant and the Catholic Church have completed their allocation of places for the 2023/24 care year. Until September 2023, only a few children can move up if childcare places become vacant due to layoffs or staff recruitment - this applies to crèches, kindergartens and after-school care centers. The parents concerned will be informed immediately by the carriers.
The children whose parents have not yet received confirmation of a childcare place remain on the waiting lists - it is not necessary to register again.
We ask that you refrain from making individual inquiries in the individual KiTa facilities. Both Herzogenaurach sponsors of the day-care centers ask for your understanding. In view of the well-known, nationwide staff shortage situation, especially among educators, unfortunately not all crèche and kindergarten groups that are available in sufficient numbers can be put into operation.
Children age 0 - 3 years
Children of that age can go to a crèche. In a crèche, there are 12 children the most in one group. Crèches offer individual and age-appropriate care by educational professionals. A crèche is open Monday to Friday. The catholic and protestant churches are supporting organisations of Herzogenaurach's facilities.
Furthermore, there is the possibility to make use of the home childminding which is organised by the Landratsamt (district office) Erlangen-Höchstadt.
If you are looking for a possibility for you and your little one to socialise outside your family, you can go to a Parent-Child-Group. There are more than 30 groups funded by the town adminstration, which offer young mums and dads to share their knowledge and solve potential problems. Mother-Child-Groups usually meet once a week in suitable rooms on the premises of the local churches or the town administration.
Children age 3 - 6 year
Children of this age normally go to pre-schools. Pre-schools support parents and offer your children various edcucational opportunities. Usually, there are up to 25 children in one group. Educational professionals are in care of the children. Pre-schools are open Monday to Friday. Except some closure time at Christmas and during the summer holidays, pre-school is open during the holidays, as well. Supporting organisations in Herzogenaurach are the protestant and catholic churches.
Children of school-age
Herzogenaurach offers a wide range of schools. All kinds of the public school system exept university are available. I.e. Grundschule (primary school), Mittelschule (secondary general school), Berufsschule (professional school), Realschule (intermediate secondary school) and Gymnasium (grammar school). Furthermore, there is a Förderschule (school for children with special needs), a private elementary school and a Montessori school. Outside teaching times, the children can attend after-school care facilities or an all-day class.