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Town archive

Thanks to its comprehensive inventory, the town archive of Herzogenaurach is of tremendous importance for the town. The collection of written documents has remained almost unaffected by fire, water or transfer to superior archives.

The archive is meant as a central municipal department for any questions regarding the town history of Herzogenaurach. As the "memory of the town", it holds important town-historic documents, dating back to the 14th century, and is supposed to make them available to the public.

The archive staff is responsible for:

  • Administration of the documents produced in the framework of the town administration work. The archive collects photos, maps, plans, newspaper excerpts, films, publications, audio records, posters and postcards deemed relevant for the history of the town and ist affiliated communities, as well as documents of associations or private persons.
  • Decision on whether documents are "worth archiving", i.e. whether they are to be stored permanently or whether they are to be destroyed.
  • Recording of documents by means of finding aids helping interested visitors find the archived documents relevant for their inquiry.
  • Oral and written information and advice on individual inquiries for sources of information about the town history. Archived documents can be viewed on site.
  • Preservation of the inventory of written documents regarding the town history for research purposes.

Mr. Dr. Hoyer
Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-116

Mrs. Sailer
Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-117

Mrs. Bohr
Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-118


Town of Herzogenaurach
Town archive

Marktplatz 11
91074 Herzogenaurach

Phone +49 (0) 9132 / 901-116
Fax +49 (0) 9132 / 901-119